My laboratory received BioConvS funding through a previous call (allocation or equipment). Can I apply to this call for projects?

If your laboratory has already received a doctoral or postdoctoral grant under the DIM BioConvS, you cannot submit an application for this call as a leader. However, you can be included as a co-leader or as an external partner.
If your laboratory has previously received equipment funding under the DIM BioConvS, you can submit an application for this call, either as a leader or collaborator. Please note however that, in case of same ranking on scientific excellence, you won't be prioritary.

What are the applications of synthetic biology in health?

Synthetic biology is an innovative approach that allows reprogramming of living organisms to meet specific needs and can be applied in several fields, including medicine and health. By designing and modifying biological circuits, it paves the way for cutting-edge therapies, such as the creation of cells capable of detecting and destroying tumors or the production of complex drugs directly by microbes. It also offers solutions for personalized medicine by developing treatments tailored to patients' genetic characteristics. With this discipline, biology becomes programmable, revolutionizing the way we diagnose and treat diseases.

What are the eligibility dates for the contract?

The doctoral contract is a 36 months contract that needs to start between november and december 2025. BioConvS cannot guarantee a contrat starting date earlier than november 1st 2025 or later than december 31st 2025.

I am not an expert in synthetic biology; can I apply to this call for projects?

Only projects including an aspect of synthetic biology are eligible for this call. However, the expertise can come from either the leading laboratory or the collaborator. So, if you are an expert in biotherapies and want to explore a synthetic biology approach for the first time, this call is for you!

Why do I need to fill out a membership form?

DIM BioConvS has launched a project to map the network of biotherapies, bioproduction, and synthetic biology in Île-de-France. It is necessary for the implementation of our actions to identify all the sector's stakeholders, their research topics, and their approach to innovation. Starting in January 2024, we will progressively require all teams applying for funding (as well as those who have already received funding or are registered in our previous actions and calls for projects) to formally join our network via this form.
Given the broad scope of BioConvS, this form also helps us understand where your lab fits within the domains we are interested in, and it helps you understand if your project will be eligible. The BioConvS team will review the form and send you a confirmation letter as soon as possible if your research topics fall within our areas of interest.
It is necessary to send the form before the call's deadline, but note that the response letter may take a few days or weeks. This will not block your application.

How to submit a project

At the request of the Ile-de-France Region and for the protection of your data, the DIM BioConvS relies on the sciencescall.org portal to manage call submissions. To be able to submit a project, it is first necessary to create your profile at the following address on sciencesconf.org (sciencescall is the version of sciencesconf.org for the management of grant calls. Both are managed by the CCSD (Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe) of the CNRS):


A video tutorial on how to submit a project is available here.

I ran into a bug in your platform

Please contact us immediately (bioconvs2025phd@sciencesconf.org) and describe the issue. If we cannot solve it, we'll tell you to contact the technical support platform (contact@sciencesconf.org).

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